
Posts Tagged ‘448352’

Susan Sarandon and my thoughts on celebrities’ thoughts on politics

September 12, 2008 2 comments

Susan Sarandon, whom I think is a good actress even though I disagree with her politics, had this to say about whether she supported Sarah Palin, a governor, or Barack Obama, a “community organizer”:

Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor. That’s all I have to say!

Hmmm…is Susan suggesting that Palin will authorize Obama’s crucifixion?

Community organizer…is that really an accurate depiction of what Jesus did on earth? He was a rabbi, a teacher, a savior.

I find it odd Sarandon’s comments considering she’s gone third party the last two elections. Does this mean she’s supporting Nobama?

BTW, Susan, your hero Bill Clinton was a governor.

For the record, I don’t mind when celebrities sound off on the issues. All I ask is that they have something relevant to say. Cameron Diaz’ telling people on Oprah’s show that if they thought rape was ok, not to vote, is a good example of when a celebrity should just shut up and try to act. For the love of the Lord. If I’m taling Diaz out of context, feel free to drop me a line.