
Posts Tagged ‘117857’

Susan Sarandon and my thoughts on celebrities’ thoughts on politics

September 12, 2008 2 comments

Susan Sarandon, whom I think is a good actress even though I disagree with her politics, had this to say about whether she supported Sarah Palin, a governor, or Barack Obama, a “community organizer”:

Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor. That’s all I have to say!

Hmmm…is Susan suggesting that Palin will authorize Obama’s crucifixion?

Community organizer…is that really an accurate depiction of what Jesus did on earth? He was a rabbi, a teacher, a savior.

I find it odd Sarandon’s comments considering she’s gone third party the last two elections. Does this mean she’s supporting Nobama?

BTW, Susan, your hero Bill Clinton was a governor.

For the record, I don’t mind when celebrities sound off on the issues. All I ask is that they have something relevant to say. Cameron Diaz’ telling people on Oprah’s show that if they thought rape was ok, not to vote, is a good example of when a celebrity should just shut up and try to act. For the love of the Lord. If I’m taling Diaz out of context, feel free to drop me a line.

2008 Democratic National Convention thoughts

August 26, 2008 Leave a comment

Haven’t been watching it, don’t plan on it. Mostly because I am no longer a full-time freelance writer and now work full-time at a newspaper. My time is limited, and I don’t have the inclination to listen to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama bloviate. I’m not voting for Obama.

Want a summary of what’s being said in Denver at the convention? Here’s an idea:

Bush is trying to send a message to Muslim extremists: don’t screw with America Bush lied, people died…let’s make it even harder for businesses to thrive end tax cuts to the wealthy…We need to regurgitate the same, tired old message change in this country…We need to become an international yes-man to Europe and the rest of the world, never mind that we often get called up on when some conflict arises undue all the foreign policy disasters that Bush has done…Get the troops out of Iraq…Let’s naively suck up to Iran try to have dialogue with Iran…

The cross-outs, of course, represent what they really mean.

Will I watch the Republican National Convention? Don’t know. I will be paying close attention to whom John McCain chooses as his running mate. If he picks a pro-abortion running mate, it will bother me enough to where I will consider third party. The idea, of course, is that the GOP is continually ignoring its conservative base to where it’s starting to show no noticeable difference from the Democrats. Sad.

My boss at work, a Reagan Republican, is going third party.

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