
Archive for December 13, 2008

Governor Balgojevich

December 13, 2008 Leave a comment


On the surface, we’d think a fork could be stuck in Blagojevich’s political career. Keep in mind that former Illinois politician Dan Rostenkowski went to jail after being convicted of oodles of corruption charges. He later was pardoned by Bill Clinton.

Maybe Blago will get pardoned by Barack Obama, who may or may not have had talks with the disgraced governor (Obama so far hasn’t been willing to release phone records). Chalk this up as Obama’s first major political landmine as he prepares to take the oath next month.

I’m not sure what makes me cringe more–Jesse Jackson Jr. as an Illinois senator or Fran Drescher as New York senator or Bill Clinton as New York senator.


Alec Baldwin talks about Palin

December 13, 2008 1 comment

Got a big laugh yesterday at Alec Baldwin’s interview with Joy Behar. Among the things Baldwin said was Tina Fey’s Saturday Night Live spoof of Alaskan governor Sarah Palin illustrated Palin’s “inexperience”.

But yet Baldwin likes the inexperienced Barack Obama. Go figure.

Besides, Al, isn’t this the same SNL that did spoofs of Bill Clinton as an incorrigible skirt chaser? Doesn’t this illustrate how unfit to serve Clinton was due to his propensity to get friendly with women while on company time?

Thank you, Al, for that iron pyrite nugget of wisdom.

Auto loan fails

December 13, 2008 Leave a comment

I read and heard lots of stories about how United Auto Workers and Ron Gettelfinger were angry at the evil Republicans who voted against the $15 billion loan to automakers.

My fellow journalists, would it be asking too much to try to at least pretend to be impartial and give the senators a few sentences to give their side?

I was reading of one senator who made a broad statement about how the bill was “poorly-worded” and that he was concerned about the long-term effects.

How funny it was to hear Gettelfinger bloviate at a press conference. Yes, the management at the Big Three has made some incredibly-stupid mistakes. One family member tells me they don’t listen to those on the floor who could give so much input on how to improve things. But that doesn’t change the fact that the Union is hardly innocent in this debacle. How much more money would the automakers have if they weren’t paying $35 per hour for workers who don’t do anything? That adds up, folks.