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Hillary desperate

Hillary Clinton, at one thought to be the shoo-in for the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee, now seems to be in desperation mode.

Matt Drudge reported that Clinton’s staffers have circulated a photo that shows Barack Obama dressed as a Somali Elder during his 2006 visit to Kenya. Ostensibly, the Clinton campaign wants to depict Obama as a Muslim. They must be hoping that such a photo of Obama would be as devastating as the infamous “tank photo” was to 1988 Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis.

The Drudge link also shows a picture of Hillary Clinton that, frankly, if the Obama campaign really wanted to, they could try to use to their advantage as well.

Clinton talks constantly about the “politics of personal destruction,” but it seems more often than not that she’s the chief proprietor of it.

Next week are the Texas and Ohio primaries, and Clinton can ill afford to lose either.

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